I love painting landscapes in oil. As long as I stay focused I can paint indoor-scapes with the same enthusiasm. Here is Instructor Richard's kitchen in the new spacious studio space. While purple is not the regular Home&Garden kitchen recommendation, it works great for a painting about a kitchen space. I vote for purple to stay...
Every single time I pick up a brush I learn something new and this one was no exception. The mantra: stay focused, on task, and think about the relationship of all elements together, is my guiding principle as learned from John Muir, the founder of the Sierra Club back in 1890s: "Tug on anything at all and you'll find it connected to everything else in the universe." This quote has carried me through Sierra Club advocacy campaigns, Grad school, painting, and life in general.
I can paint everything... including the kitchen sink...when I see the connections and simplify the complexities.