Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oil and Water

Oil and water are only a good combination if you are talking about salad dressing or the image in an oil painting. Here are three large format paintings that are about water and movement. They all feature the same goose moving through water at Springbrook Nature Center. The challenges were different in each painting. Reflections, balance/weight of bird in water, the color of his reflection and showing/feeling speed in movement. I have a fascination of all these elements plus birds and water. Hopefully, there will be a lot more studies when water is again in liquid form.


  1. Sharell, I really like these Oil and Water. Nancy

  2. Hi Nancy,

    I think you should take one of these on loan, while I "update" Mount Kenya. I would like to clarify the grazing zebras. What do you think?
    FYI--Picasso was banned from museums because he would tinker with his paintings. Seems like a common artist trait.

