Sunday, January 31, 2010

Light and Shadow

 I have painted many times at Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, but this particular January morning I saw a beautiful play of sparkling light and contrasting shadow effects that would only last for 30 minutes or so. This panel is small, but in under an hour, I captured the sparkling effect of the morning and the character of the bluff.

Painting is a lot like golf. A good passage here, a good composition there--keeps you coming back. If I knew now how much time, effort and tears it would take to get to this painting, would I do it again? Oh, probably...YES!


  1. Hi Cuz,
    Wow I love what you've been doing in January! Yellow boat got me - I spent a lot of time at Lake Superior, had a sailboat there for many years. Also the pine tree in snow with shadow reminds me of somethings I love about Minnesota. Keep the faith, it's fab to see you growing as you go! Love, KK

  2. Dear KK,
    Thanks for your encouraging comments. You were my gold standard for drawing when we were growing up! I didn't realize your sailboat was in Lake Superior. I remember you sailing on the ocean. Correct? Anyway, glad my paintings can bring back memories of Minnesota. I love painting snow scenes. The white blanket gives instant unity to a composition unlike a green "salad bowl" painting.

    Thank you for the holiday cards! Keep em coming.

